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Hajj Sponsorship

Hajj Sponsorship

Author Samir Iqbal by

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Samir Iqbal

With Hajj costs increasing at an average of 5% a year, higher than the rate of inflation, it is becoming more difficult for lower and middle-class families to afford to go for Hajj. Millions of Muslims around the world have never been to the holy sites in Makkah and Madinah.

The Hajj Sponsorship program is looking to sponsor a Haji that meets all the requirements of making Hajj, except for the financial ability to go. The sponsored will meet the following requirement:

- Resides in the Metro Atlanta area

- No outstanding debts

- Over 40 years old

- Mentally and Physically able

- Never been to Hajj before

- Other basic requirements as needed for any Haji (valid passport, criminal background check, etc)

 This sponsorship will cover the basic costs of Hajj, including flights, hotels, taxes and funds required for vaccinations. We want to provide the experience of Hajj that many of us have already experienced, some of us multiple times.

Apply Here:

Application will close after April 12th, 2019

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