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The annual Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB) Hunger Walk is nothing new to the Atlanta Muslim community. In fact, some would say it’s old news. Now in its 32nd year, a number of organizations including the Islamic Speakers Bureau, Roswell Community Masjid, Al-Falah Academy and more have been participating in the Hunger Walk for over a decade.
Last year though, it was different. Instead of low key, satellite efforts of a few organizations, something interesting happened. For the first time, the Atlanta Muslim community came together and united under a single umbrella for a common cause.
The Atlanta Muslim community set a record year with regards to its participation and support in the Atlanta Community Food Bank's 2015 Hunger Walk. Twenty-nine unique mosques, schools and organizations, 633 registered walkers and runners (largest overall team), and $29,000 raised made last year’s team the 2nd largest contributor to the ACFB, even ahead of sponsor teams, including Coca-Cola & Arby’s.
The success of the united team was also due to the fun and intense competition started in part by the Islamic Speakers Bureau. Teams competed to see who could register the most walkers and runners and the team with the most participants was awarded a trophy to keep until the next year’s Hunger Walk. When it all came down to it, Madina Institute inched just past RCM in the final hour, winning with 103 participants to RCM’s close 100.
This year’s Hunger Walk is set for March 13th and the Atlanta Muslim community has currently registered over 325 participants. The registration deadline is fast approaching (March 11th) and the last week of registration was also the busiest in last year’s Hunger Walk.
Looking to join this year’s Hunger Walk and be a part of the Atlanta Muslim community team? Check out the Facebook Event and find your team’s registration link in the event description.
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