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As with every recent election, it seems Americans do not need to go far to find anti-Muslim rhetoric. Headlines across the mainstream media broadcast claims from politicians and others about the “danger” that Muslims supposedly pose. Other headlines depict an even worse picture: Muslims who were targeted and attacked for being just that, Muslim. These headlines and events are more than enough to put Muslims in America, including those in Atlanta, on edge. What are you to do when you’re stopped by the police or asked for interviews by the FBI or forced to compromise your religious beliefs? Azadeh Shahshahani is a former leader in the ACLU Georgia chapter and has been working nonstop to combat and educate both the Muslim community, and others on their rights in America. She recently became the legal and advocacy director of Project South, a local non-profit. She plans to continue defending, and advocating for, American Muslims and immigrants in Georgia.
The Daily Report, a prominent local newspaper used by Georgia lawyers, published a profile of Shahshahani on January 11.
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