Students from Atlanta's Dar-Un-Noor Academy won second places at the regional Georgia Technology Fair competition last week, besting over 70 other contestants.
"This year, there were 16 different categories in the competition from different grade levels in which first, second, and third places were chosen," the school said in a statement. "Dar-Un-Noor Academy got 2nd place at the competition as a team. We would like congratulate DNA Computer Science Team.
Dar-Un-Noor Academy is a private Islamic school located alongside Al-Farooq Masjid on 10th Street. The school serves elementary, middle and, as of this year, high school students. DNA plans to host open house sessions on Feb. 6 and Feb. 18 from 5 to 7 pm.
Edward Ahmed Mitchell is an Atlanta attorney who serves as Copy Editor of AtlantaMuslim.com. Follow him on Twitter @edmovie.
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