Until now, Atlanta Muslim communities have been providing online options (including paypal) to cover operational or construction costs. But now, communities are doing a little more than setting up a donate button and setting up online campaigns to "crowd fund" scholorship positions. For example, platforms like indiegogo are being used to establish a Chair of Islamic Studies at Mohammed Schools of Atlanta. Typically, Crowd funding refers to the funding of a company by selling small amounts of equity to many investors - in this case, the investors are the community members. Any individual, without necessarily having an affliation with an established organization, can now raise funds for their projects.
Creating a successful campaign has three critical elements: a good pitch, proactive outreach and an audience that cares. A good pitch is direct, engaging and transparent. More details on outreach and reaching audiences are covered here. Other sites like Gofundme and Kickstarter are popular for raising funds.
Following this trend, Elevate Culture is another such platform focused on creative on artistic projects for North American Muslims, and has its roots in Atlanta.
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