Kathryn Adams posted:
I am looking for a nanny for our family beginning possibly in November or December 2018. I would need someone 2-3 days a week from about 7:30a-7:30p (husband usually will be home by 6pm but 7:30 should be worst case scenario). I have a 2 month old( will be 3-4 months when you start), 5 yr old, 7 yr old, and 11 yr old. The older children will be in school and you wont need to care for them until after school. Be able to walk 5 yr old and 7yr old from bus stop in afternoon and light homework help for them. 11 yr old is self sufficient and won't need anything.
I would like a muslima for this role in our home. Please email me if you are interested. Include your background, experience, and requested pay. Jazakallah.